Tuesday, April 29, 2014

4.29 How to turn in your final research papers, and presentations

We spent the first part of class talking through how we would assign credit for your work for the term.  I noted that there was probably a third of the class who, for one reason or another, had was unable to keep up with the posts for the blog.

I also pointed out that in order to receive credit for the data analysis (150 points)  and the writing process (150 points) portions of the research project, you would need to include links to the blogs where that work was done.  We then scanned back through the course blog and noted the blog posts which would count as credit for data analysis  And for writing process.  You need to include links to those posts in the email you send to turn in your project (as an attachment).  See post 4.29 List of writing process + data analysis posts.

SO.  We noted that while late posters should not be entitled to full credit by turning in these posts late, at the same time, it did not seem fair for them to get no credit towards the turned in blog post.  We agreed that late posters had the possibilty of earning a max of 8 out of the 10 points for late work turned in with the research project.  For those of you who have made other arrangements with me, I will honor whatever agreement we made.

I will be writing back to you with comments on your projects just as quickly as I can turn them around.
What we will do for the rest of the semester:
Thursday, we will hear from:  Melanie, John, Amanda, Nagerrah, Ariana, and Sara
Tuesday, we will hear from: David, Adrian, Jess, Florie, Melissa and Brenda
Final Projects are due May 8, as an attachment, with links to all blogs with process writing and writing associated with data + analysis.

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