Thursday, November 8, 2012

11.8 Assignment sheet for Research project, Revised Calendar & final workshop for analysis paper

Research Project:  We talked through the assignment sheet for the research project  in class today.  For those of you who were not in class => pay attention to the due dates at the bottom of the sheet.

I provided feedback to the interview protocols you posted on your blog, and we spent part of this week workshopping and revising them; the final drafts for the interview protocol is due by Tuesday, November 13.  I will grade them, give you final feedback, and from there you will be ready to collect your data (after you have turned in your permission forms).

Short analysis project:  Most of today's class was devoted to revising the short analysis projects in light of comments to blogs and feedback during conferences.  See 11.6 post for general suggestions for revision - and make sure you hit the points on the assignment sheet.

Revised Calendar.  Because we have missed so much class, I have revised the calender for the rest of the term.  It is posted to the right. You can see that we will be spending lots of time working on your research projects - and that you have several "check points" where you need to post sections of your work.  Because this class is about teaching a research method, and not simply about putting an evaluation on a final product, not posting the draft sections (or turning them in to me by email) as they are listed on the calendar & assignment sheet will result in a lower grade for your final project.

For Tuesday, November 13:
Blog 17: Post your FINAL interview protocol.  Also send the Interview Protocol to the course email as an attachment.
Blog 18: Post your draft short analysis.  Also send your short analysis project to the course email as an attachment.

Review Gee.  
Pay particular attention to the chapters on figured worlds and context. 

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