Tuesday, March 4, 2014

3.4 Plan for writing short analysis essay + finshing up interview protocols

Note:  As you write up your final interview protocol, don't forget that you will need a short statement of the purpose of your project at the top (like in the sample).

We spent most of class talking about how you would work on /write your short analysis projects.
We talked through the assignment sheet (posted to the right) which I am hoping is self-evident, and we laid out a timeline that looks something like this.

3.4 Go over assignment sheet (posted to the right) and polish up interview protocols for collecting data
3.6 Create rubric used to evaluate Short Analysis project, and test it out on sample SAessays (posted to right)
Talk about how to create a "focus" from interview data
Turn in informed consent and A/V forms if you have them

During spring break:
Get informed consent, conduct and transcribe your interview, and begin analyzing(thinking about what your focus for your

3.18 Post your interview transcript (the drafty unedited version).  MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR PARTICIPANT'S NAME.
3.20  Select, proofread, and post sections of your interview transcript which you might use to make a point in your essay.  In this post, include:
1. the excerpt from your transcript
2. some writing about the way language is used, the story features, or the discourses (stereotypes, cultural stories) the excerpt illustrates or connects to
3. a statement of what you might use the excerpt to "show" with respect to the focus of your paper.

You should pick out at least 3 excerpts from your transcript for this post.

3.25  In-class workshop on the draft for the short analysis essay + work to set up your final project
3.27 Due draft short analysis project

4.1 Draft short analysis returned
4.8 Due final short analysis project

You spent the remainder of class talking about/finalizing plans for your interview.  From what I heard, most of you look like you are ready to go!

For next class:
Read: Sample Short Analysis essays 1. 2, 3.
Blog 11: Final/revised interview protocol

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