Thursday, October 10, 2013

10.10 Informed consent!

You spent class today planning and practicing how to get informed consent from your project participants. 

I passed out:
a signed (by me) informed consent form
a signed (by me) A-V consent form
a debriefing form.

You wrote a paragraph to cover the specifics of your project so you could talk your participants about your study,  your processes for subject selection, the purpose of your study, and you data collection methods. 

After watching several of your classmates talk through the process for getting informed consent, you practiced with a partner. 

In addition to covering all the points pertaining to your study, make sure to:
point out the contact information
inform participants that they can withdraw with no penalty/consequence at any time
make clear the steps you will take to preserve confidentiality
ask if your participant has any questions
get a copy of the signed forms for you, and give one to the participant

You also practiced presenting, talking through, and signing the A-V forms.  Make clear that participants can request that the recording equipment be turned off, and that the A-V form only pertains to data recording.  Again, draw paricipants' attention to the contact numbers, and create wo sets of forms.

At the end of your data collection you will provide participants with a debriefing form.  Thank your participant, explain how their participation was important, point out the contact numbers, and thank them again.

For next class:
Blog 11: Post the material you will use to describe your project when you present your informed consent materials.
Read: Gee, Introduction to Discourse Analysis
In this reading, pay attention to the way he talks about Discourse communities, identity, and his discussion of how to analyze talk (transcripts).

Have a great weekend and see you next week!

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