Tuesday, September 4, 2012

9.4 Introductions, questions about the syllabus, NIH training, and setting up the blog

ATTENTION: All future classes will meet in CAS 113, the computer lab on the first floor next to the Writing Center.

If you have not done so already = send an email to ENG3029@gmail.com with the url (address) for your blog so I can read what you have posted.  The address for this blog is  http://eng3029section01.blogspot.com/

Today's class got us off to a good start -I was pleased to meet each of you and am looking forward to learning more about you and your interests in writing research.

The class began with introductions and getting to know each other. As I pointed out - it is usual at Kean to be "familiar" with a few faces - but in this class we are going to get to know one another - and to work together.  We then read through the syllabus, with particular attention to course goals, how the course will be taught, and how you will receive your grades.  If you have additional question - please let me know.

After introductions we moved from CAS 313 to 113 = where we will meet for the rest of the term.  I introduced you to this blog, and we talked about the NIH training (see assignment sheet posted to the right). Because you will be doing field research for this class - you will be working with other people - or research subjects.  And because people have rights, researchers have responsibilities toward their subjects.  As described on the assignment sheet - all researchers associated with government agencies (and this is a state school, so you are) much take NIH training.  You must email the certificate you receive for completing training to me by September 18.  I suggest that you get started - it might take one or two sittings.

We had our first talk about ideas for research projects.  At this point you should be thinking about what interests you.  As I said in class, go for your passion - and as we work on refining your topic, we can find a way to make it a writing studies project - and as you move through the course, you will be able to come up with methods and a research design.  So for now - think about any aspect of language, writing, talk or interactive behaviors that you would like to study.  Some of the areas of interest that you came up with so far include:

  • effects of music on writing and writing process
  • cyberbullying
  • video games
  • sports (football)
  • Anime/Manga
  • acting/musical theater
  • society and family

This is a good start!

You spent the rest of the class setting up your blogs.  I think everyone got a blog started, and you were working on emailing me the link (address) so I can post links to your blogs on my blog.  If anyone is stuck, I will be in CAS 113 by 10 on Thursday - and we can work on whatever technology issues we need to before class - or send me an email and we can work on it from there.

For next class:

  1. Get started on the NIH training (email me the certificate of completion by Sept 18)
  2. Send me the link (address) to your blog using the email you want to use to be in contact with me for this class.
  3. Read:  Look through the course readings => identify topics that interest you
  4. Blog 1: From class discussion and course readings, what kind of research does it look like people do in English and writing studies?  What kind of research are you interested in doing?: 

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